Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Palm Pre to be Released in Early June

This is the new Palm Pre schedule to be released in early June. The Palm brand is heavily relying on this phone being the "saving grace" in the companies line up. When Palm introduced the Treo, it was the hottest, and most widely used phone on the market. But with Palms inability to update their ancient OS, they could not remain competitive with rival Safari in the iPhone, or the Blackberry OS. The manufacturer chose to exclusively use the Windows Mobile platform for several of it's releases, which failed to gain ground in their rapidly depleting market share. However, the new Palm OS is based on a Linux platform and boasts a shortcuts bar and promotes multi tasking.

With the Treo 800 WX and Treo Pro having dismal releases in 2008 and early 2009, the Pre MUST violate expectations for the company to have a chance at staging a comeback. When the Pre is released, we will see into the future of cell phones... and it may not include a hand held by Palm.

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